
Breakfast is the meal that best represents our personal tastes. While you may love a sweet start to the day, your other half’s idea of the perfect breakfast is scrambled eggs with avocado-topped toast. ‘Typical’ breakfasts around the world have far more similarities between them …


The kitchen is the heart of the home and undoubtedly one of the rooms where you spend the most time.  So needless to say, you want it to look just as up-to-date as your bedroom or living room. Did you know that it’s now possible …


Only one thing can keep you smiling ’til midday – a nice hot mug of tea. So, needless to say, your kettle is an essential item in your kitchen. You may not be immune to a delicious cup of green tea in the day either. …


Whatever the colour, tea has a huge fan base! An essential part of daily life all over the world, it brings people together and in some countries has even inspired special ceremonies and rituals. From green and black to flavoured and semi-fermented, come and join us …


The British tea break may be quite different from the Japanese tea ceremony in terms of the type of tea and the gestures used, but they are both times of togetherness and sharing. So take a break from the humdrum of daily life with your …


Black tea and green tea may be the best-known and most popular varieties, but they are certainly not the only ones around. Depending on the country, the tastes and traditions of its inhabitants, and the plants cultivated, you can find white tea, blue tea, and …